Triage: triage system is efficiently managed by a dedicated team of doctors and nurses on a computerized system, to ensure efficiency and identification of sick patients for resuscitation.
Resuscitation room: A resuscitation room manned by a dedicated team of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff with facility for invasive ventilator and hemodynamic supports, and point of care testing ensures quality resuscitation and stabilization.
Stroke protocol: All patients presenting with acute neurological deficits are attended to by a quick response stroke team comprising neurologists and vascular surgeons and urgent radiological services for early reperfusion therapy.
Polytrauma: Victims of road traffic accidents with multi-system injury are attended to by activating a dedicated trauma team comprising of surgeons, orthropaedicians, neurosurgeons and trauma co-coordinator.
Point of care investigations:
The ED houses various tools for investigations such as an ABG machine, portable X-ray and ultrasound services, ECG, etc. for point of care decision making.
The resuscitation room has facility for invasive and non-invasive ventilation
Procedure room:
Minor surgical and orthopaedic procedures are performed here under supervision and with adequate monitored procedural sedation / analgesia.
Social support services:
A team of social workers counsel, aid support (emergency claims), assist patients and address grievances.